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Key issues in achieving an integrative perspective on stress


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An integrative perspective on molecular mechanisms of stress resistance requires understanding of these mechanisms not just in vitro or in the model organism in the research laboratory - but in the healthy or diseased human in society, in the cultivated plant or animal in agricultural production, and in populations and species in natural communities and ecosystems. Such understanding involves careful attention to the context in which the organism normally undergoes stress, and appreciation that biological phenomena occur at diverse levels of organization (from molecule to ecosystem). Surprisingly, three issues fundamental to achieving an integrative perspective are presently unresolved: (ⅰ) Is variation in lower-level traits (nucleotide sequences, genes, gene products) seldom, commonly, or always consequential for stress resistance? (ⅱ) Does environmental stress reduce or enhance genetic variation, which is the raw material of evolution? (ⅲ) Is the present distribution of organisms along natural gradients of stress largely the result of organisms living where they can, or is adaptive evolution generally sufficient to overcome stress? Effective collaboration among disciplinary specialists and meta-analysis may be helpful in resolving these issues.
机译:关于抗逆分子机制的综合观点,不仅需要在研究实验室的体外或模型有机体中了解这些机制,而且还需要了解社会中健康或患病的人类,农业生产中种植的植物或动物以及自然群落和生态系统中的种群和物种。这种理解涉及到对有机体正常承受压力的环境的仔细关注,并认识到生物现象发生在组织的不同层次(从分子到生态系统)。令人惊讶的是,目前尚未解决实现整体观点的三个基本问题:(ⅰ)低水平性状(核苷酸序列,基因,基因产物)的变异对于抗逆性而言很少,普遍或始终是必然的吗? (ⅱ)环境压力是否减少或增强了遗传变异,而遗传变异是进化的原材料? (ⅲ)当前生物沿着自然应力梯度的分布是否主要是由于生物生活在能够生存的地方,还是适应性进化通常足以克服压力?学科专家之间的有效合作和荟萃分析可能有助于解决这些问题。



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