首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Behavioral Decision Making >The Influence of Aging on Preferences for Sequences of Mixed Affective Events

The Influence of Aging on Preferences for Sequences of Mixed Affective Events


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Research on preferences among sequences of mixed affective events has mostly used young adults as participants. Given differences due to aging in people's ability to regulate emotion, one could expect differences due to aging in preferences for different sequences. Study 1 demonstrated age-related differences in how older adults (age 65 and older) versus young adults (age 18-25) choose to order mixed affective events that will occur over time. The tendency to choose sequences in which the final event is positive was greater among older adults versus young adults. And, more so than young adults, older adults preferred that the positive and negative events in a sequence be separated in time by a neutral event. Studies 2-3 investigated age-related differences in overall retrospective evaluations of presented sequences of mixed affective events. In contrast to young adults, older adults' retrospective evaluations were not affected by: (1) whether the final trend of the sequence improved monotonically; (2) whether the last event in the sequence was positive; or (3) the temporal proximity of positive and negative events in the sequence. Results of Study 3 suggest that these age-related differences are due to differences in older (vs. young) adults' ability to regulate emotion.
机译:对混合情感事件序列中的偏好的研究主要使用年轻人作为参与者。给定由于人们调节情绪的能力的老化而引起的差异,人们可以预期由于对不同序列的偏好的老化而引起的差异。研究1表明,老年人(65岁及以上)与年轻人(18-25岁)如何选择将随着时间推移发生的混合性情感事件的年龄相关差异。老年人与年轻人相比,选择最终事件为阳性的序列的倾向更大。而且,与年轻人相比,老年人更喜欢序列中的积极和消极事件在时间上被中性事件分开。研究2-3在对混合性情感事件的呈现顺序进行整体回顾性评估时研究了与年龄相关的差异。与年轻人相反,老年人的回顾性评估不受以下因素影响:(1)序列的最终趋势是否单调改善; (2)序列中的最后一个事件是否为肯定;或(3)序列中正面和负面事件在时间上的接近度。研究3的结果表明,这些与年龄相关的差异是由于老年人(相对于年轻人)调节情绪的能力不同所致。



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