首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Behavioral Decision Making >Inappropriate Confidence and Retirement Planning: Four Studies with a National Sample

Inappropriate Confidence and Retirement Planning: Four Studies with a National Sample


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Financial decisions about investing and saving for retirement are increasingly complex, requiring financial knowledge and confidence in that knowledge. Few studies have examined whether direct assessments of individuals' confidence are related to the outcomes of their financial decisions. Here, we analyzed data from a national sample recruited through RAND's American Life Panel, an Internet panel study of US adults aged 18-88 years. We examined the relationship of confidence with self-reported and actual financial decisions, using four different tasks, each performed by overlapping samples of American Life Panel participants. The four tasks were designed by different researchers for different purposes, using different methods to assess confidence. Yet, measures of confidence were correlated across tasks, and results were consistent across methodologies. Confidence and knowledge showed only modest positive correlations. However, even after controlling for actual knowledge, individuals with greater confidence were more likely to report financial planning for retirement and to successfully minimize fees on a hypothetical investment task. Implications for the role of confidence in investment behavior (even if it is unjustified) is discussed.
机译:关于投资和储蓄退休金的财务决策越来越复杂,需要财务知识和对该知识的信心。很少有研究检查对个人信心的直接评估是否与其财务决策的结果有关。在这里,我们分析了通过兰德(RAND)的美国生活小组(American Life Panel)招募的全国样本数据,这是一项针对18-88岁美国成年人的互联网小组研究。我们使用四个不同的任务检查了自信与自我报告的财务决策和实际财务决策之间的关系,每个任务都是由美国生命小组参与者的重叠样本执行的。这四个任务是由不同的研究人员针对不同的目的设计的,使用不同的方法来评估信心。然而,信心度在各个任务之间是相关的,并且结果在各个方法之间是一致的。信心和知识仅显示出适度的正相关。但是,即使在控制了实际知识之后,更有信心的人也更有可能报告退休的财务计划,并成功地将假设投资任务的费用减至最少。讨论了信心对投资行为的作用(即使它是不合理的)。



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