首页> 外文期刊>Journal of automation and information sciences >Technologies for Early Monitoring of Technical Objects Using the Estimates of Noise Distribution Density

Technologies for Early Monitoring of Technical Objects Using the Estimates of Noise Distribution Density


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It is shown that the technologies for monitoring technical objects using combinations of estimates of the root mean square deviation, mathematical expectation, distribution density, its maximum and inflection points of each individual noisy signal and all incoming signals together make it possible to determine the initial period of malfunction origin and the dynamics of its development. The specifics of using a noise distribution density of a noisy signal with a nonzero mathematical expectation for early monitoring of accidents of various technical objects are considered. The technologies of early monitoring of technical objects based on analysis of estimates of noise characteristics are developed. It is shown that to detect a defect occurrence on an early stage it is necessary to create a data bank consisting of these estimates obtained at different time instants and to conduct an analysis. Moreover, for each type of defect its own bank of informative features is compiled in which there is established a correspondence between the values of noise characteristics and degree of development of this type of defect. The matrix of informative features of development dynamics of each type of technological object malfunction is compiled. It is noted that construction of matrices of informative features for all possible type of technical objects malfunctions makes it possible to identify on the initial stage the moment of defect origin, to determine its development dynamics and thereby to conduct the early monitoring of accidents. The examples of created technologies application are given. The specificity of compiling of noise-matrix of early seismic monitoring of construction sites is shown. It is noted that as a result of introducing the developed technology into the monitoring system, after each low-power earthquake, the technical state of a building structure is analyzed and a message is issued on measures that need to be taken in this particular case. The technology for compiling a noise-table of accidents start in the monitoring system of drilling rigs was developed. This technology application results in system informing a drill master about degree and intensity of damage development. The technology for detecting the early stage of malfunction occurrence of heat supply facilities was developed. The importance of this technology application in transportation of gas or other combustible substance is noted.



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