首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Asian earth sciences >Surface deformation related to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, and mountain building of the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau

Surface deformation related to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, and mountain building of the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau


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The 12 May 2008 M_s 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, China, was one of largest continental thrusting events worldwide. Based on interpretations of post-earthquake high-resolution remote sensing images and field surveys, we investigated the geometry, geomorphology, and kinematics of co-seismic surface ruptures, as well as seismic and geologic hazards along the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt. Our results indicate that the Wenchuan earthquake occurred along the NE-SW-trending Yingxiu-Beichuan and Guanxian-Anxian faults in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt. The main surface rupture zones along the Yingxiu-Beichuan and Guanxian-Anxian fault zones are approximately 235 and 72 km in length, respectively. These sub-parallel ruptures may merge at depth. The Yingxiu-Donghekou surface rupture zone can be divided into four segments separated by discontinuities that appear as step-overs or bends in map view. Surface deformation is characterized by oblique reverse faulting with a maximum vertical displacement of approximately 10 m in areas around Beichuan County. Earthquake-related disasters (e.g., landslides) are linearly distributed along the surface rupture zones and associated river valleys. The Wenchuan earthquake provides new insights into the nature of mountain building within the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The total crustal shortening accommodated by this great earthquake was as much as 8.5 m, with a maximum vertical uplift of approximately 10 m. The present results suggest that ongoing mountain building of the Longmen Shan is driven mainly by crustal shortening and uplift related to repeated large seismic events such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Furthermore, rapid erosion within the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt occurs along deep valleys and rupture zones following the occurrence of large-scale landslides triggered by earthquakes. Consequently, we suggest that crustal shortening related to repeated great seismic events, together with isostatic rebound induced by rapid erosion-related unloading, is a key component of the geodynamics that drive ongoing mountain building on the eastern Tibetan Plateau.
机译:2008年5月12日,中国汶川8.0级地震是全球最大的大陆逆冲事件之一。基于地震后高分辨率遥感影像的解释和野外调查,我们研究了同震表面破裂的几何学,地貌学和运动学,以及龙门山褶皱冲断带的地震和地质灾害。我们的研究结果表明,汶川地震发生在龙门山褶皱冲断带的东北-西南走向的映秀-北川和关县-安县断层。沿映秀-北川断裂带和关县-安县断裂带的主要地表破裂带长度分别约为235公里和72公里。这些次平行破裂可能会在深度合并。映秀-东河口地表破裂带可分为四个部分,这些部分由在地图视图中显示为阶跃或弯曲的不连续性分隔。在北川县周围地区,地表变形的特征是斜向逆断层,最大垂直位移约为10m。与地震有关的灾害(例如滑坡)沿地表破裂带和相关的河谷呈线性分布。汶川地震为青藏高原东部龙门山内山区建筑的性质提供了新见解。这次大地震所造成的地壳总缩短高达8.5 m,最大垂直隆起约为10 m。目前的结果表明,正在进行的龙门山山区建设主要是由与反复发生的大型地震事件(例如2008年汶川地震)有关的地壳缩短和隆升驱动的。此外,由于地震引发的大规模滑坡发生后,龙门山褶皱冲断带内的快速侵蚀沿深谷和破裂带发生。因此,我们认为,与反复发生的大地震事件有关的地壳缩短,以及与侵蚀有关的快速卸荷引起的等静回弹,是推动藏高原东部正在进行的山地建设的地球动力学的重要组成部分。



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