首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Influence of urbanization on water quality deterioration during drought periods at South Jordan

Influence of urbanization on water quality deterioration during drought periods at South Jordan


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The study investigated the effect of urbanization, drought and pollution on the deterioration of water quality in the Tafila Basin in southern Jordan during the year 2000. Six representative springs were chosen, from which 84 water samples were analysed for their chemical and biological characteristics. In addition, 75 samples were analysed for their chemical characteristics during the period 1978-1999. The arid and semi-arid climatic characteristics, high population growth and the lack of sewer systems cause pollution. The infiltration of waste water from septic tanks into springs and ground-water resources is considered the most prominent cause. The primary evaluated parameters are EC, NO_3, faecal coliform, total coliform and total count. Their concentration is accelerating, due to the increase of waste water in comparison to fresh water quantity. The fracture system associated with Upper Cretaceous carbonates allows the waste water to recharge the springs very quickly and without any purification. Connecting the scattered buildings with the Tafila Treatment Plant (TTP), built in 1988, will stop or decrease the pollution and allow the springs to refresh themselves. The TTP is underloaded, and its effluent water can be used for irrigation.
机译:该研究调查了约旦南部塔菲拉盆地2000年城市化,干旱和污染对水质恶化的影响。选择了六个有代表性的泉水,从中分析了84个水样的化学和生物学特性。此外,分析了1978-1999年期间的75个样品的化学特性。干旱和半干旱的气候特征,高人口增长以及缺乏下水道系统造成污染。污水从化粪池渗入泉水和地下水资源被认为是最主要的原因。评估的主要参数为EC,NO_3,粪便大肠菌群,总大肠菌群和总计数。由于废水比淡水量增加,它们的浓度正在加快。与上白垩统碳酸盐岩有关的压裂系统使废水能够非常迅速地进行补给,而无需进行任何净化。将分散的建筑物与建于1988年的塔菲拉污水处理厂(TTP)连接起来,将停止或减少污染,并使弹簧恢复活力。 TTP的负荷很低,其废水可用于灌溉。



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