首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Physics >Influence of Mn doping on structural, optical, and magnetic properties of Zn1-xMnxO nanorods

Influence of Mn doping on structural, optical, and magnetic properties of Zn1-xMnxO nanorods


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We prepared Zn1-xMnxO nanorods by thermal diffusion. These samples were then studied the structural, optical, and magnetic properties. The structural analyses basing on x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope revealed the absence of Mn-related secondary phases. The study of photoluminescence spectra revealed the blueshift in the UV emission when the Mn doping concentration was increased, as a consequence of the extension of the band gap energy. Besides this situation, the increase in emission intensity associated with extrinsic defects at about 680 nm also took place. Concerning the Raman scattering spectra, apart from conventional phonon modes related to the ZnO wurtize-type structure, there were some additional modes introduced by the doping. Their origin was assessed carefully. Particularly, the shift in peak position of E2(high) toward low frequencies due to the increase in the Mn doping concentration could be explained well by means of the spatial correlation model. Magnetic measurements proved the samples with Mn concentrations above 1.15 at. % exhibiting the weak-ferromagnetic order at low temperatures. The nature of the ferromagnetism was discussed by means of the results of the structural and optical investigations.
机译:我们通过热扩散制备了Zn1-xMnxO纳米棒。然后研究了这些样品的结构,光学和磁性。基于X射线衍射和透射电子显微镜的结构分析表明不存在Mn相关的第二相。对光致发光光谱的研究表明,由于带隙能量的扩展,当Mn掺杂浓度增加时,UV发射中的蓝移。除了这种情况,还发生了与外在缺陷相关的发射强度的增加,约为680 nm。关于拉曼散射光谱,除了与ZnO wurtize型结构有关的常规声子模式外,掺杂还引入了一些其他模式。他们的来历经过仔细评估。特别地,可以通过空间相关模型很好地解释由于Mn掺杂浓度的增加而导致的E 2(高)的峰值位置向低频的偏移。磁性测量证明样品中的锰浓度高于1.15 at。 %在低温下表现出弱铁磁序。通过结构和光学研究的结果讨论了铁磁性的性质。



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