首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Breeding of an elite Laminaria variety 90-1 through inter-specific gametophyte crossing

Breeding of an elite Laminaria variety 90-1 through inter-specific gametophyte crossing


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Laminaria longissima and Zaohoucheng No.1 (a commercial variety selected from Laminaria japonica) differ to a certain extent in their morphological characteristics and biological habits. It was assumed that varieties bred through their hybridization should exhibit high yield potential and tolerate relatively high seawater temperatures. Female gametophyte clones isolated from L. longissima were crossed with male clones isolated from Zaohoucheng No.1. Laminaria variety 90-1 was obtained after gametophyte crossing, continuous self-crossing and selection. This variety was genetically homozygous; the indices of variation of blade length, width and thickness of the final two selection cycles were 7–8%; i.e., not different significantly. Variety 90-1 grew faster, lost less tissue and had higher yield potential than two widely used commercial varieties of L. japonica (all commercial varieties currently used in China originate from this latter species). The blade of variety 90-1 increased 3.71 cm day?1 on average during the whole period of cultivation, almost two-fold that of two controls, and growth was maintained even when seawater temperature was higher than 18°C–3°C higher than the temperature tolerated by other Laminaria varieties. Variety 90-1 increased yield by more than 70% over two controls and also synthesized desirable amounts of iodine, mannitol and algin. In blade length, variety 90-1 was more similar to L. longissima than to L. japonica, but more similar to L. japonica in blade width and thickness. Since the adoption of variety 90-1 in 1999, its culturing area has increased each year to reach its current area of 7,000 ha, i.e., almost one-third of the total cultivation acreage of Laminaria in China. Breeding of variety 90-1 has demonstrated that it is feasible to develop elite Laminaria varieties by crossing gametophytes from different Laminaria species in combination with successive self-crossing and selection.
机译:长条海带和早厚城1号(从海带中选出的商业品种)在形态特征和生物学习性上有一定的差异。据推测,通过杂交育种的品种应表现出高产潜力并能承受较高的海水温度。从长寿乳杆菌分离的雌配子体克隆与早枣成1号分离的雄性克隆杂交。经过配子体杂交,连续自杂交和选择后获得了海带变种90-1。该品种在基因上是纯合的。最后两个选择周期的叶片长度,宽度和厚度的变化指数为7–8%;即没有明显的不同。与两个广泛使用的日本粳稻商业品种(中国目前使用的所有商业品种均来自后者)相比,品种90-1生长更快,组织损失更少,产量潜力更高。 90-1品种的叶片在整个栽培过程中平均每天增加3.71 cm?1 ,几乎是两个对照叶片的两倍,即使海水温度高于18°C,叶片仍能保持生长。比其他海带品种耐受的温度高3°C。与两个对照相比,品种90-1的收率提高了70%以上,并且还合成了所需量的碘,甘露醇和藻酸盐。在叶片长度上,品种90-1与长寿李比日本粳稻更相似,但在叶片宽度和厚度上更类似于日本粳李。自1999年采用90-1品种以来,其种植面积逐年增加,达到目前的7,000公顷,即占中国海带总种植面积的近三分之一。品种90-1的选育表明,通过杂交来自不同海带物种的配子体并结合连续的自交和选择,开发出优良的海带品种是可行的。



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