首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Air Traffic Control >How will the Midterm Elections Factor into FAA Reauthorization?

How will the Midterm Elections Factor into FAA Reauthorization?


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Over the past year, how many times have you heard aviation experts say that we need a reliable funding source? In fact, FAA administrator Michael Huerta said in a recent speech to the Aero Club of Washington, "There is a lack of predictabilrty in our budgets due to short-term extensions and continuing resolutions." In September, the Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, along with the Chairman on the Aviation Subcommittee, released a joint statement regarding FAA reauthorization. Chairman Shuster and Chairman LoBiondo closed by saying, "Congress must thoroughly reexamine whether the FAA's organizational structure will allow the agency to successfully execute new technology programs safely and cost-effectively in the decades ahead."
机译:在过去的一年中,您听过多少次航空专家说我们需要可靠的资金来源?实际上,联邦航空局局长迈克尔·赫尔塔(Michael Huerta)在最近向华盛顿航空俱乐部发表的讲话中说:“由于短期延期和持续的决议,我们的预算缺乏可预测性。” 9月,房屋运输和基础设施委员会主席与航空小组委员会主席发表了关于重新授权FAA的联合声明。舒斯特(Shuster)主席和洛比昂多(LoBiondo)主席总结说:“国会必须彻底重新审查美国联邦航空局(FAA)的组织结构是否将使该机构在未来几十年内安全,经济地成功执行新技术计划。”



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