首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advanced Transportation >Propensity to participate in a peer-to-peer social-network-based carpooling system

Propensity to participate in a peer-to-peer social-network-based carpooling system


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This study examines the potential for a social network peer-to-peer-based carpooling system called FacePorter for the University of Calgary staff and students. In this study, a survey that combined both revealed and stated preferences was designed and distributed randomly among students and staff. The survey consisted of a sample of 210 responses, which were divided into two groups of stated preference respondents: (i) auto drivers, who were given the choice between driving alone and carpooling as drivers; and (ii) transit riders, who were given the choice between public transport and carpooling as passengers. A binomial logit model and two ordinal logit models (one for ride offerors and one for ride seekers) were calibrated to examine the impacts of various examined socio-economic, psychological, and travel characteristic variables on the propensity to participate in the hypothetical carpooling program. The results of the models clearly demonstrated that many factors have significant impacts on FacePorter demand: occupation, income, marital status, working schedule flexibility, trip characteristics (i.e., distance, travel time, and number of required transfers when riding transit), weather condition, carpooling fee, perceived rider and driver profiles, and carpooling fee would significantly influence the market demand of the examined carpooling system. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:这项研究为卡尔加里大学的教职员工和学生探讨了一种基于社交网络的点对点拼车系统,称为FacePorter的潜力。在这项研究中,设计了一项将揭示的偏好和陈述的偏好相结合的调查,并在学生和教职员工中随机分配。该调查包括210个回答的样本,这些回答分为两组,分别是陈述的偏爱受访者:(i)自动驾驶,可以在单独驾驶还是拼车作为选择之间进行选择; (ii)过境乘客,他们可以选择乘坐公共交通工具还是拼车。校准了一个二项式对数模型和两个序数对数模型(一个用于乘车提供者,一个用于乘车寻找者),以检验各种经检验的社会经济,心理和旅行特征变量对参与假想拼车计划的倾向的影响。模型的结果清楚地表明,许多因素对FacePorter的需求有重大影响:职业,收入,婚姻状况,工作时间表的灵活性,出行特征(即距离,出行时间和乘车时所需的转乘次数),天气情况,拼车费用,感知的骑手和驾驶员资料以及拼车费用将极大地影响所检查拼车系统的市场需求。版权所有(c)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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