首页> 外文期刊>日本建築学会计画系論文集 >オープンカフェの利用状況による歩行者の注視行動の変化



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The purpose of this research is to examine effects of use situations of an open-air cafe on pedestrians' behaviors. An experiment was carried out to observe pedestrians' attentive actions to the cafe according to the use situation on the open terrace of the cafe. The results of the experiment are summarized as follows. 1. When the open terrace was used by costomers, pedestrians tended to face the cafe frequently. The more costomers there were, the more remarkable the tendency was. 2. Pedestrians tended to face the cafe more frequently at night than during the day. 3. Male pedestrians tended to face the cafe a little more frequently when the costomers were only men. On the other hand, women pedestrians tended to face the cafe a little less frequently when the costomers were only men. 4. When two men were on the terrace facing the street, pedestrians tended to face the cafe only for a moment. 5. There were some differences between actual attentive actions and psychological evaluations, and a part of the differences were estimated to be associated with interpersonal relationships with sex.%近年、都市部においてオープンテラスを備えたカフェや、街路に 面して大きなガラス面を持つような飲食店が増加している。そうした 飲食店に滞在する人々には、外部空間とつながることで視覚的な 開放感がもたらされると共に、店外の風景や道行く人々を眺めると いう楽しみが得られる。
机译:这项研究的目的是检验露天咖啡馆的使用状况对行人行为的影响。根据咖啡厅开放式露台上的使用情况,进行了一项实验,观察行人对咖啡厅的注意行为。实验结果总结如下。 1.当开放式露台被客户使用时,行人往往会经常面对咖啡馆。客户越多,趋势就越明显。 2.行人往往在晚上比在白天更经常去咖啡馆。 3.当顾客只是男人时,男性行人往往会更频繁地面对咖啡馆。另一方面,当顾客是男性的时候,女性行人往往较少地面对咖啡馆。 4.当两个人在面对街道的露台上时,行人往往只面对咖啡馆一会儿。 5.实际的注意行为和心理评估之间存在一些差异,并且部分差异据估计与人际关系有关。%近年,都市部においてオープンプラテステ备えたカフェや,街路に面して饮食店に滞在する人々には,外部空间とつながることで视覚的な开放感がもたらされると共に,店外の风景や道行く人々を眺望めるという楽しみが得られる。



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