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Beyond the horizon: NSM homes in on Harpoon replacement market


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Foreign companies striving to break into the US defence market - and particularly the guided weapons sector - recognise that success is difficult to achieve given the lobbying power of US industry incumbents and the naturally protectionist instincts of Congress. Moreover, it is a market where there is no such thing as an overnight success: it typically takes many years, if not decades, to establish a presence, build partnerships, shape the market, and craft a strategy for business capture.However, success is nonetheless attainable. In the 1980s, Norway's Kongsberg Vapenfab-rikk sold its Penguin Mk 2 Mod 7 anti-ship missile to the US Navy (USN) to equip the service's SH-60B LAMPS Ⅲ helicopter. While final missile offtake was smaller than expected, Penguin's sale to the USN, and its integration with the SH-60B platform, provided a significant boost to the company's subsequent efforts to sell the helicopter-launched Mk 2 Mod 7 missile worldwide.
机译:努力打入美国国防市场,尤其是制导武器领域的外国公司认识到,鉴于美国工业界的游说力量和国会自然的保护主义本能,很难取得成功。此外,在这个市场上,没有一朝一夕的成功:建立业务,建立合作伙伴关系,塑造市场以及制定业务捕获战略通常需要很多年甚至数十年的时间。尽管如此,还是可以实现的。在1980年代,挪威的Kongsberg Vapenfab-rikk将其企鹅Mk 2 Mod 7反舰导弹出售给了美国海军(USN),为其装备了SH-60B LAMPSⅢ直升机。尽管最终的导弹发射量比预期的要少,但企鹅公司向USN出售产品以及将其与SH-60B平台集成在一起,极大地推动了该公司随后在全球范围内出售直升机发射的Mk 2 Mod 7导弹的努力。



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