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Talking Turkey Ankara makes contingency plans for Syria conflict


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1. Turkey's involvement in the Syrian conflict extends to contingency planning for military intervention, although Ankara will not unilaterally initiate any action unless prompted by an insurgent attack on its sacred Tomb of Suleiman Shah, which lies inside Syria. 2. Turkey has been criticised for allowing foreign fighters to transit its territory to join the civil war in Syria, and Ankara has been accused of providing logistical and weaponry resupply to radical Islamist fighters. 3. Any direct Turkish intervention in Syria runs the risk of deepening the conflict, with inevitable combat casualties and a heightened risk of terrorist attacks inside Turkey. A recording of a conversation about Turkish plans for a military strike against the insurgent Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) if it attacked the Tomb of Suleiman Shah in Syria was leaked onto YouTube on 27 March.
机译:1.土耳其对叙利亚冲突的参与延伸到军事干预的应急计划,尽管安卡拉不会单方面采取任何行动,除非在其位于叙利亚内部的神圣的苏莱曼·沙赫陵墓发动叛乱袭击之前。 2.土耳其因允许外国战斗人员越境进入叙利亚内战而受到批评,安卡拉被指控为激​​进的伊斯兰战斗人员提供后勤和武器补给。 3.土耳其对叙利亚的任何直接干预都有可能加剧冲突,有不可避免的战斗伤亡和在土耳其国内发生恐怖袭击的危险。关于土耳其计划对叛乱的伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国(ISIL)袭击叙利亚的苏莱曼·沙(Suleiman Shah)墓进行军事打击的谈话录音,已于3月27日泄露到YouTube上。



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