
Defensive shots


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The challenges facing the aspiring perpetrator of a biological weapons-based terrorist attack are substantial but not insurmountable. However, to achieve an equivalent effect, significantly more effort would be required to realise a biological weapons attack than the conventional, chemical, or radiological alternative. IHS Jane's therefore assesses that biological weapons are currently more likely to be used for targeted assassinations than for a mass-casualty event, although governments are not complacent about the possibility. The threat from the self-infected 'bio-bomber' features prominently in the threat list for many Western countries that are potential targets for terrorist attacks. Countermeasures against biological weapons represent a significant opportunity for established life sciences companies, with both smaller and larger companies set to benefit. Nevertheless, there are significant risks: unlike other areas of the pharmaceutical industry, where manufacturers can sell to numerous clients across geographies and within countries, manufacturers of biological weapons countermeasures are likely to sell only to a limited number of countries. These contracts may be lucrative, but the periodic nature of tendering means that companies may only have one opportunity to develop and launch a product. Market share may also be obtained by providing an important or sought-after product improvement.
机译:有抱负的以生物武器为基础的恐怖袭击的肇事者面临的挑战是巨大的,但并非无法克服。但是,要达到同等效果,与传统的,化学的或放射学的替代方法相比,实现生物武器攻击需要付出更多的努力。因此,IHS Jane's评估说,尽管政府对这种可能性不沾沾自喜,但目前相比于大规模伤亡事件,生物武器更有可能被用于有针对性的暗杀。自感染的“生物轰炸机”带来的威胁在许多西方国家的威胁列表中占据着突出的位置,这些国家是恐怖袭击的潜在目标。对于成熟的生命科学公司而言,针对生物武器的对策代表着巨大的机遇,越来越大的公司都将从中受益。然而,仍然存在着巨大的风险:与制药业的其他领域不同,制造商可以向不同地区和国家/地区的众多客户出售产品,而生物武器对策的制造商则可能仅向少数国家销售产品。这些合同可能有利可图,但是招标的周期性性质意味着公司可能只有一个机会来开发和发布产品。也可以通过提供重要的或抢手的产品改进来获得市场份额。



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