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Deal curbs Iranian nuclear threat


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The 24 November interim agreement between Iran and the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany (P5+1) will significantly reduce Tehran's ability to produce nuclear weapons without being detected and could be renewed if a comprehensive solution is not reached in six months. Iran will be allowed to continue to enrich uranium up to 5%, but not to 20%. Its stockpile of less than 5% uranium will be capped and it will neutralise its existing stockpile of 20% enriched uranium by turning half of it into reactor fuel and diluting the other half into less than 5% stocks, increasing the time it would take it to produce weapons-grade uranium. Iran has also agreed not to increase the capacity at its enrichment facilities. It will also freeze work on the IR-40 reactor at Arak, which could be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium once it comes online, and will not build an associated reprocessing facility.
机译:伊朗与联合国安理会常任理事国和德国(P5 + 1)之间的11月24日临时协议将大大降低德黑兰生产核武器的能力,而这一潜能未被发现,如果六个月内未能达成全面解决方案,则可以续签。伊朗将被允许继续将铀浓缩至最高5%,但不允许最高至20%。它的铀储备少于5%将会受到封顶,它将通过将一半的铀转化成反应堆燃料并将另一半稀释成少于5%的储备来中和其现有的20%浓缩铀的储备,从而增加了提取时间生产武器级铀。伊朗还同意不增加其浓缩设施的能力。它还将冻结阿拉克的IR-40反应堆的工作,一旦反应堆投入使用,该反应堆可用于生产武器级p,而且不会建立相关的后处理设施。



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