首页> 外文期刊>Iranian Studies >“A Desolate Voice”: Poetry and Identity among Young Afghan Refugees in Iran * , 1

“A Desolate Voice”: Poetry and Identity among Young Afghan Refugees in Iran * , 1

机译:“荒凉的声音”:伊朗年轻阿富汗难民的诗歌和身份* , 1

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At the time of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, it may be said that Afghans began to form exilic communities in Iran rather than simply intermittent groups of seasonal migrant workers. The binding institutions of these communities, in particular the community of Shi'a Afghans in Mashhad, were political parties and groups of mojahedin, religious centers and leaders, and cultural figures—notably poets. Poetry (both oral and written) in court Persian and local vernacular, has a long tradition in Afghanistan—much of which is shared with Iran—and continues to be the most respected and most widely practiced of the arts. It has also always had a direct, but not always approving, relationship with power and politics. Among refugees, it has been a vehicle for political commentary and incitement to jihad; for dialogue between Afghans and Iranians; and (in lyrical forms such as the classical ghazal or contemporary blank verse) for expressing subjective experience, thought, and emotion, particularly love or the pain of exile, with some license to criticize or subvert social convention. In this ethnographic analysis, I examine the role of poets and poetry in the cultural life of Afghans in Iran since 1979, focusing on the latest generation of young poets and tracing the influence of modernist Iranian literary developments on their work in the context of the gradual depoliticization of Afghan communities in exile, in particular after September 2001. I also argue that literary activities have been important in sustaining a separate 'Afghan' identity that has helped many young people transform their sense of marginalization to one of pride both in their non-Iranian origins and in their common heritage with Iranians.
机译:在1979年苏联入侵阿富汗之时,可以说阿富汗人开始在伊朗组建流放社区,而不仅仅是断断续续的季节性移徙工人群体。这些社区具有约束力的机构,特别是马什哈德(Mashhad)的什叶派阿富汗人社区,是摩加黑丁的政党和团体,宗教中心和领导人以及文化人物,尤其是诗人。波斯和当地白话时代的诗歌(口头和书面诗歌)在阿富汗有着悠久的传统,其中大部分与伊朗共享,并且仍然是最受尊敬和最广泛使用的艺术。它也一直与权力和政治有着直接的关系,但并不总是得到批准。在难民中,它一直是进行政治评论和煽动圣战的工具;进行阿富汗人和伊朗人之间的对话; (以抒情形式,例如古典的加沙尔语或当代的空白诗歌)表达主观体验,思想和情感,尤其是爱或流放的痛苦,并具有批判或颠覆社会习俗的许可。在此人种志分析中,我考察了自1979年以来诗人和诗歌在伊朗阿富汗人的文化生活中的作用,着眼于最新一代的青年诗人,并在渐进的语境中追溯了伊朗现代主义文学发展对其作品的影响。流离失所的阿富汗人社区的非政治化,尤其是在2001年9月之后。我还认为,文学活动对于维持独立的“阿富汗人”身份非常重要,这有助于许多年轻人将他们的边缘化意识转变成对非流离失所者的一种自豪感。伊朗血统和与伊朗人的共同遗产。



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