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Sharaf al-Dīn ''Alī Yazdī: Historian and Mathematician


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The present article aims to shed light on the professional activities of the historian and mathematician Sharaf al-Dīn ''Alī Yazdī and his afar-nmah. In so doing, two questions are addressed: (1) Did Yazdī''s expertise in mathematics influence his historical narrative? (2) Did Yazdī simply expand on Ni m al-Dīn Shmī''s afar-nmah, composed some twenty years earlier? Comparing the frequency of quantitative and qualitative data in Yazdī''s and Shmī''s afar-nmahs, the article finds that although Yazdī made an effort to incorporate quantitative data in his history, his narrative is not particularly informed by his expertise in arithmetic. This seems, at first glance, a byproduct of a predominant tradition in the Islamic-Iranian historiography, which makes extensive use of literary techniques. The comparison between the two afar-nmahs, however, suggests that both Yazdī and Shmī subscribed to a notion of “accuracy” which bore little resemblance to its modern counterpart manifested in quantitative precision. Finally, the article concludes that the allegation of plagiarism against Yazdī is unfounded.
机译:本文旨在阐明历史学家和数学家Sharafal-Dīn'AlīYazdī及其远方的专业活动。这样做有两个问题:(1)亚兹丁在数学上的专长是否影响了他的历史叙述? (2)Yazdī只是在20年前组成的Ni mal-DīnShmī的远处扩展了吗?比较Yazdī和Shmī远方国家的定量和定性数据的频率,文章发现,尽管Yazdī努力将定量数据纳入其历史,但他的叙述并没有特别从其算术专业知识中受益。 。乍一看,这似乎是伊斯兰-伊朗史学中一种占统治地位的传统的副产品,该史学大量使用了文学技巧。然而,两个远方nmah之间的比较表明,Yazdī和Shmī都赞成“准确性”的概念,这与定量精确度所显示的现代准确性几乎没有相似之处。最后,文章得出的结论是,针对亚兹第的窃指控没有根据。



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