首页> 外文期刊>Internet of Things Journal, IEEE >Robust TDOA-Based Localization for IoT via Joint Source Position and NLOS Error Estimation

Robust TDOA-Based Localization for IoT via Joint Source Position and NLOS Error Estimation


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Accurate localization is critical to facilitate location services for Internet of Things (IoT). It is particular challenging to provision localization based on nonline-of-sight (NLOS) signals. Thus, we actualize source localization based on time difference of arrival (TDOA) derived from NLOS signal propagations. The existing robust least squares (RLS) method exhibits two shortcomings: 1) it is formulated using too large upper bounds on the NLOS errors, and 2) it suffers from the possible inexact triangle inequality problem. Aiming at circumventing the shortcomings of the existing RLS method, we propose two new RLS formulations. On one hand, to reduce the upper bounds on the NLOS errors, we propose to jointly estimate the source position and the NLOS error in the reference path. On the other hand, to avoid using the triangle inequality, we introduce a "balancing parameter" in the first formulation and develop the second formulation by transforming the measurement model. Both formulations are transformed via the S-lemma into optimization problems that are amendable to semidefinite relaxation. The proposed methods achieve superior performance over the existing methods, as validated by using both simulated and experimental data.
机译:准确的本地化对于促进物联网(IoT)的位置服务至关重要。提供基于非视距(NLOS)信号的本地化特别具有挑战性。因此,我们基于从NLOS信号传播得出的到达时间差(TDOA)实现源定位。现有的鲁棒最小二乘(RLS)方法存在两个缺点:1)使用NLOS误差的上限过大来制定公式; 2)可能存在不精确的三角形不等式问题。为了避免现有RLS方法的缺点,我们提出了两种新的RLS公式。一方面,为减小NLOS误差的上限,我们建议共同估算参考路径中的源位置和NLOS误差。另一方面,为避免使用三角不等式,我们在第一个公式中引入了“平衡参数”,并通过转换测量模型来开发第二个公式。两种形式都通过S引理转化为可修正为半确定松弛的优化问题。通过使用模拟和实验数据验证,所提出的方法比现有方法具有更高的性能。



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