首页> 外文期刊>European Transactions on Electrical Power >PhysicalModel of the Interference Immunity of Electronic Devices and Conclusions Concerning their Testing and Operating Characteristics

PhysicalModel of the Interference Immunity of Electronic Devices and Conclusions Concerning their Testing and Operating Characteristics


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Switching and fault processes in power-supply systems cause pulse-shaped disturbances which may stress el- ectronic devices of protection and control systems. Fortest purposes such disturbances can be simulated. But despite of the constant test conditions the reaction of the device on the disturbance can bary in a certain range. Assuming similar internal structures of protection and control devices the coupling path and the effects of the Disturbance are described. The variation in device reaction due to the disturbance is explained on the basis of Different models which imitate the impact of the disturbances especially on the logical part of the circuit. By Applying sensors with constant thereshold the effectiveness (function) of several EMC measures can be eva- Luated independently from the reaction of the special device.



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