首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of urban and regional research >Rethinking the Conceptual Foundations of Evolutionary Economic Geography: Introduction to a Debate

Rethinking the Conceptual Foundations of Evolutionary Economic Geography: Introduction to a Debate


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As the recently published Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography (Boschma and Martin, 2010) attests, the whole field of evolutionary economic geography is witnessing exciting times of renewal and rethinking of its conceptual foundations. Set against this broader picture of pervasive transformation, the narrower focus of this symposium is on the recent rethinking of regional path dependence proposed by one key contributor to the field, Cambridge economic geographer Ron Martin. His Roepke Lecture in Economic Geography, 'Rethinking Regional Path Dependence: Beyond Lock-in to Evolution', delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Las Vegas (2009) has recently been published in Economic Geography (Martin, 2010) and is seen by many as a turning point in the history of evolutionary economic geography.
机译:正如最近出版的《进化经济地理学手册》(Boschma和Martin,2010年)所证明的那样,整个进化经济地理学领域正见证着人们对其概念基础进行更新和重新思考的激动人心的时刻。面对这种广泛的普遍转型的背景,本次研讨会的狭focus焦点是对剑桥经济地理学家罗恩·马丁(Ron Martin)对该领域的主要贡献者提出的对区域路径依赖的重新思考。他在2009年在拉斯维加斯举行的美国地理学家协会年会上发表的他在经济地理学上的Roepke讲座“重新思考区域路径依赖:超越对发展的锁定”最近发表在《经济地理学》上(马丁,2010年)并被许多人视为进化经济地理史上的转折点。



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