首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Tourism Research >What is the attraction for exchange students: the host destination or host university? Empirical evidence from a study of an Australian university

What is the attraction for exchange students: the host destination or host university? Empirical evidence from a study of an Australian university


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This paper presents findings from an exploratory study of students who completed an international exchange programme at an Australian university. Through the use of the push-pull typology and a structured questionnaire, the student motivations and factors in their selection of a university exchange programme are explored. Results indicate that students' desire to travel and the opportunity for fun and excitement are the primary motivators for undertaking an educational exchange, along with the host country's weather, natural environment and tourist attractions. Factors that influence selection of a host university are outlined, as well as students' levels of satisfaction with the experience. The findings have implications for destination and university managers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本文介绍了对在澳大利亚大学完成国际交流计划的学生进行的一项探索性研究的发现。通过使用推挽式分类法和结构化的调查表,探讨了学生选择大学交流课程的动机和因素。结果表明,与东道国的天气,自然环境和旅游胜地一样,学生的旅行欲望,娱乐和兴奋的机会是进行教育交流的主要动力。概述了影响所在大学选择的因素,以及学生对体验的满意程度。研究结果对目的地和大学管理者有影响。版权所有©2008 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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