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Exploring risk-return relations in dry bulk shipping


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This study investigates the risk-return relations in dry-bulk shipping freight, and to analyse how it was influenced by the 2008 financial tsunami. Empirical results show that the shipping freight's risk-return relation, measured by risk premium parameter beta, varies by different types of ship. The risk-return relations of capesize freight have changed after the financial tsunami, from high-risk/high-return into high-risk/low-return. In other words, compared to the case of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P 500), there have been significant declines in the freight risk premiums. Furthermore, the risk premium parameter beta is not only affected by the financial tsunami, but also significantly affected by the previous parameter beta and previous freight return. The results of this study can make shipping operators aware of the dynamics of risk-return relations among various ships, so as to secure the optimal asset allocation of ship investments.
机译:这项研究调查了散货运输​​中的风险-收益关系,并分析了其如何受到2008年金融海啸的影响。实证结果表明,以风险溢价参数β衡量的货运风险-收益关系因不同类型的船舶而异。金融海啸后,海岬型货运的风险收益关系从高风险/高收益转变为高风险/低收益。换句话说,与标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)相比,运费风险溢价已大幅下降。此外,风险溢价参数beta不仅受到金融海啸的影响,而且还受到先前参数beta和先前货运收益的显着影响。这项研究的结果可以使船运经营者了解各种船舶之间的风险-收益关系的动态变化,从而确保船舶投资的最佳资产配置。



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