首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Research in Marketing >Crafting an environment to foster integration in new product teams

Crafting an environment to foster integration in new product teams


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The integration of functionally diverse members in new product teams is a long-standing managerial challenge. This study addresses two questions to help meet this challenge: 1) how can the environment around teams be crafted to foster integration, and 2) does integration help teams to create superior or more advantageous new products? Based on a survey of 206 cross-functional new product teams, we learned that certain environmental factors (market-oriented reward system, planning process formalization, managerial encouragement to take risks, and managerial involvement in new product projects) facilitate integration in teams, which, in turn, leads to the creation of superior or more advantageous new products.
机译:在新产品团队中整合功能多样化的成员是一项长期的管理挑战。这项研究提出了两个问题来帮助应对这一挑战:1)如何精心设计团队周围的环境以促进集成; 2)集成是否有助于团队创造出更好或更有利的新产品?根据对206个跨职能新产品团队的调查,我们了解到某些环境因素(以市场为导向的奖励系统,计划流程正规化,管理层鼓励冒险以及新产品项目中的管理参与)有助于团队之间的整合。进而导致创造出更好或更有利的新产品。



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