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A project as a workplace Observations from project managers in four R&D and project-intensive companies


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Projects and project management work present what would seem to be a paradox. Although business and industrial companies regard projects as strategic vehicles for innovation and growth, it is doubtful whether project managers are seen as a similarly strategic asset, due to their working environment. This article, which is based on interviews conducted at four major Scandinavian companies, describes several empirical cases of a project as a workplace. In line with previous research we observe a challenging and in many cases exposed situation for many project managers. Our main finding is that a considerable part of what makes up a non-sustainable project work environment stems from the imbalance of power that exists between permanent and temporary organisational forms. The article concludes that a process of "deprojectification" of project employees, i.e. making the distinction between line and project work less distinct in organisations may actually lead to more sustainable project work. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
机译:项目和项目管理工作提出了似乎是一个悖论。尽管工商业公司将项目视为创新和增长的战略工具,但由于其工作环境,项目经理是否被视为类似的战略资产仍令人怀疑。本文基于对斯堪的纳维亚的四家主要公司进行的采访,描述了一个项目作为工作场所的一些经验案例。根据先前的研究,我们发现许多项目经理面临着充满挑战的情况,并且在许多情况下处于暴露状态。我们的主要发现是,构成不可持续的项目工作环境的很大一部分原因是永久性组织形式和临时性组织形式之间存在的权力失衡。文章得出的结论是,项目员工的“脱项目化”过程,即使组织中的项目工作与项目工作之间的区别减少,实际上可能导致更具可持续性的项目工作。 (c)2014爱思唯尔有限公司APM和IPMA。版权所有。



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