首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Project Management >Evaluation on the utility efficiency of metro infrastructure projects in China from sustainable development perspective

Evaluation on the utility efficiency of metro infrastructure projects in China from sustainable development perspective


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The development of metro infrastructure projects (MIP) has been playing an important role in the economic growth in China through improving urban transportation condition. The economic benefits from MIP in China have been well appreciated. However, concerns on the utility efficiency and the impacts of MD on social and environmental aspects have been increasingly raised. It is anticipated that a large number of metro infrastructure projects will be built in the near future in China. There is a need for a method to guide the development of MIP towards achieving better utility efficiency and collective benefits between economic, social and environmental dimensions. Previous studies have provided various methods for evaluating economic performance of MIP, but it appears that there is no existing method for studying the utility efficiency of a metro infrastructure project particularly from sustainable development perspective. This paper presents a model for evaluating the utility efficiency of MD with reference to the Chinese context, which is called utility efficiency evaluation index (UEEI) model. Population of city (POP), length of Metro systems (LEN), annual ridership of Metro systems (MD), ticket price (FAR) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are selected as the variables for developing the UEEI model. The utility efficiency of the 17 MIPs is analyzed by using the data collected from 17 cities in China. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
机译:通过改善城市交通条件,地铁基础设施项目(MIP)的发展一直在中国经济增长中发挥重要作用。在中国,MIP带来的经济利益已广受赞赏。但是,人们越来越关注公用事业的效率以及千年发展目标对社会和环境方面的影响。预计不久的将来中国将建设大量地铁基础设施项目。需要一种方法来指导MIP的发展,以在经济,社会和环境方面实现更好的公用事业效率和集体利益。先前的研究提供了多种方法来评估MIP的经济绩效,但是似乎没有现存的方法来研究地铁基础设施项目的效用,特别是从可持续发展的角度。本文提出了一种基于中国语境的MD效用效率评估模型,称为效用效率评估指标(UEEI)模型。选择城市人口(POP),地铁系统的长度(LEN),地铁系统的年乘客量(MD),票价(FAR)和国内生产总值(GDP)作为用于开发UEEI模型的变量。利用从中国17个城市收集的数据分析了17个MIP的效用效率。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd. APM和IPMA。版权所有。



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