首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Production Research >Fuzzy logic based leanness assessment and its decision support system

Fuzzy logic based leanness assessment and its decision support system


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Manufacturing organisations have been witnessing a transition from mass manufacturing to lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is focused on the elimination of obvious wastes occurring in the manufacturing process, thereby enabling cost reduction. The quantification of leanness is one of the contemporary research agendas of lean manufacturing. This paper reports a study which is carried out to assess the leanness level of a manufacturing organisation. During this research study, a leanness measurement model has been designed. Then the leanness index has been computed. Since the manual computation is time consuming and error-prone, a computerised decision support system has been developed. This decision support system has been designated as FLBLA-DSS (decision support system for fuzzy logic based leanness assessment). FLBLA-DSS computes the fuzzy leanness index, Euclidean distance and identifies the weaker areas which need improvement. The developed DSS has been test implemented in an Indian modular switches manufacturing organisation.
机译:制造组织已经见证了从大规模制造到精益制造的转变。精益生产专注于消除制造过程中出现的明显浪费,从而降低成本。精益的量化是当代精益制造研究的议程之一。本文报告了一项旨在评估制造组织的瘦度水平的研究。在本研究过程中,已设计了一个瘦度测量模型。然后,已经计算出瘦度指数。由于手动计算既费时又容易出错,因此已经开发了一种计算机化的决策支持系统。该决策支持系统已被指定为FLBLA-DSS(基于模糊逻辑的精益评估的决策支持系统)。 FLBLA-DSS计算模糊的倾斜度指数,欧几里得距离并确定需要改进的较弱区域。所开发的DSS已在印度模块化交换机制造组织中进行了测试。



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