首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Production Research >A dynamic knowledge management framework for the high value manufacturing industry

A dynamic knowledge management framework for the high value manufacturing industry


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Dynamic knowledge management (KM) is a combination of cultural and technological factors, including the cultural factors of people and their motivations, technological factors of content and infrastructure and, where these both come together, interface factors. In this paper a dynamic KM framework is described in the context of employees being motivated to create profit for their company through product development in high value manufacturing. It is reported how the framework was discussed during a meeting of the collaborating company's (BAE Systems) project stakeholders. Participants agreed the framework would have most benefit at the start of the product lifecycle before key decisions were made. The framework has been designed to support organisational learning and to reward employees that improve the position of the company in the market place.
机译:动态知识管理(KM)是文化和技术因素的组合,其中包括人的文化因素及其动机,内容和基础设施的技术因素,以及两者结合的接口因素。本文描述了一个动态的KM框架,其背景是员工被激励通过高价值制造中的产品开发为公司创造利润。据报道,在合作公司的(BAE Systems)项目利益相关者会议期间,如何讨论该框架。与会者一致认为,在做出关键决定之前,该框架将在产品生命周期开始时受益匪浅。该框架旨在支持组织学习并奖励改善公司在市场中地位的员工。



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