首页> 外文期刊>International journal of numerical modelling >Numerical device simulation to investigate the noise currents of mercury cadmium telluride photosensors for thermal imaging applications

Numerical device simulation to investigate the noise currents of mercury cadmium telluride photosensors for thermal imaging applications


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Infrared (IR) sensors are widely used in thermal imaging and sensor applications. The performance of IR sensor is strongly dependent on the noise currents of the sensor. If characteristics of the noise currents are known prior to the costly and time-consuming sensor production phase, high performance IR sensors could be obtained rapidly and cost effectively. In this study, a p-n long-wave IR mercury cadmium telluride sensor is evaluated at 77 K using a physics-based numerical modeling and simulation approach. Results of the study showed that 1/fnoise originating from the trap-assisted tunneling dominates as the cut-off wavelength and the magnitude of the applied reverse bias voltage increase.
机译:红外(IR)传感器广泛用于热成像和传感器应用。红外传感器的性能在很大程度上取决于传感器的噪声电流。如果在昂贵且费时的传感器生产阶段之前就已经知道了噪声电流的特性,则可以快速,经济高效地获得高性能的红外传感器。在这项研究中,使用基于物理的数值建模和模拟方法,在77 K下评估了p-n长波红外汞碲化镉镉传感器。研究结果表明,由于截止波长和所施加反向偏置电压的幅度增加,源自陷阱辅助隧穿的1 /噪声占主导地位。



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