首页> 外文期刊>International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow >Role of heatlines on thermal management during Rayleigh-Bénard heating within enclosures with concave/convex horizontal walls

Role of heatlines on thermal management during Rayleigh-Bénard heating within enclosures with concave/convex horizontal walls


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Purpose - This study aims to carry out the analysis of Rayleigh-Bénard convection within enclosures with curved isothermal walls, with the special implication on the heat flow visualization via the heatline approach. Design/methodology/approach - The Galerkin finite element method has been used to obtain the numerical solutions in terms of the streamlines (ψ), heatlines (Π), isotherms (θ), local and average Nusselt number (Nu_t) for various Rayleigh numbers (103 ≤ Ra ≥ 105), Prandtl numbers (Pr = 0.015 and 7.2) and wall curvatures (concavity/convexity). Findings - The presence of the larger fluid velocity within the curved cavities resulted in the larger heat transfer rates and thermal mixing compared to the square cavity. Case 3 (high concavity) exhibits the largest Nu_t at the low Ra for all Pr. At the high Ra, Nu_t is the largest for Case 3 (high concavity) at Pr = 0.015, whereas at Pr = 7.2, Nut is the largest for Case 1 (high concavity and convexity). Practical implications - The results may be useful for the material processing applications. Originality/value - The study of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in cavities with the curved isothermal walls is not carried out till date. The heatline approach is used for the heat flow visualization during Rayleigh- Benard convection within the curved walled enclosures for the first time. Also, the existence of the enhanced fluid and heat circulation cells within the curved walled cavities during Rayleigh-Benard heating is illustrated for the first time.
机译:目的-这项研究旨在对具有等温弯曲壁的封闭空间内的Rayleigh-Bénard对流进行分析,并通过热线方法对热流可视化产生特殊影响。设计/方法/方法-已使用Galerkin有限元方法来获得关于各种瑞利数的流线(ψ),热线(Π),等温线(θ),局部和平均努塞尔特数(Nu_t)的数值解(103≤Ra≥105),普朗特数(Pr = 0.015和7.2)和壁曲率(凹度/凸度)。发现-与方型腔相比,弯曲型腔中存在较大的流体速度会导致更大的传热速率和热混合。对于所有Pr,情况3(高凹度)在低Ra处表现出最大的Nu_t。在高Ra处,Nu_t对于情况3(高凹度)在Pr = 0.015处最大,而在Pr = 7.2处,Nut_t对于情况1(高凹度和凸度)最大。实际意义-结果对于材料加工应用可能有用。独创性/价值-迄今为止,尚未对具有弯曲等温壁的腔体中的Rayleigh-Bénard对流进行研究。热线方法首次用于弯曲壁式机壳内瑞利-贝纳德对流期间的热流可视化。同样,首次显示了在瑞利-贝纳德加热过程中,弯曲的壁腔内存在增强的流体循环和热循环单元。



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