首页> 外文期刊>International journal of non-linear mechanics >Post-buckling behaviour of slender structures with a bi-linear bending moment-curvature relationship

Post-buckling behaviour of slender structures with a bi-linear bending moment-curvature relationship


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Certain classes of slender structures of complex cross-section or fabricated from specialised materials can exhibit a bi-linear bending moment-curvature relationship that has a strong influence on their global structural behaviour. This condition may be encountered, for instance, in (a) non-linear elastic or inelastic post-buckling problems if the cross-section stiffness may be well approximated by a bi-linear model; (b) multi-layered structures such as stranded cables, power transmission lines, umbilical cables and flexible pipes where the drop in the bending stiffness is associated with an internal friction mechanism. This paper presents a mathematical formulation and an analytical solution for such slender structures with a bi-linear bending moment versus curvature constitutive behaviour and subjected to axial terminal forces. A set of five first-order non-linear ordinary differential equations are derived from considering geometrical compatibility, equilibrium of forces and moments and constitutive equations, with hinged boundary conditions prescribed at both ends, resulting a complex two-point boundary value problem. The variables are non-dimensionalised and solutions are developed for monotonic and unloading conditions. The results are presented in non-dimensional graphs for a range of critical curvatures and reductions in bending stiffness, and it is shown how these parameters affect the structure's post-buckling behaviour.
机译:某些类型的,具有复杂横截面的细长结构或由特殊材料制成的细长结构可能表现出双线性弯矩-曲率关系,这对它们的整体结构行为有很大影响。例如,如果横截面刚度可以通过双线性模型很好地近似,则在(a)非线性弹性或非弹性屈曲后问题中可能会遇到这种情况; (b)多层结构,如绞合电缆,输电线路,脐带电缆和挠性管,其中弯曲刚度的下降与内部摩擦机制有关。本文针对具有双线性弯矩与曲率本构关系并承受轴向终端力的细长结构,提出了一种数学公式和一种解析解。考虑几何相容性,力和力矩的平衡以及本构方程,推导了一组五个一阶非线性常微分方程,两端规定了铰接边界条件,从而产生了复杂的两点边界值问题。变量是无量纲的,并且针对单调和卸载条件开发了解决方案。结果在一系列临界曲率和弯曲刚度减小的无量纲图中显示,并显示了这些参数如何影响结构的屈曲后行为。



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