首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law >The Loscasa Package Deal and Its Implications for Determination of Customary International Law

The Loscasa Package Deal and Its Implications for Determination of Customary International Law


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This article revisits the package deal nature of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC) and its implications for determining customary international law. A survey of the case law illustrates that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has not given particular weight to the fact that the LOSC was negotiated and accepted as a package deal. Nevertheless, the ICJ's declaration that Article 121, paragraph 3 of the LOSC is a customary rule tends to be based on a 'package deal approach', which focuses on the textual and logical links between the paragraphs that manifest an 'indivisible regime'. By exploring the difficulties of determining the customary status of Article 76(2)-(7) concerning the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, which may arise in the pending Nicaragua v. Colombia II case, this article calls for a cautious attitude towards determination of customary rules from the LOSC.
机译:本文重新审视了“联合国海洋法公约”的包装优惠(LOSC)及其对确定习惯国际法的影响。案例法的调查说明了国际法院(ICJ)没有特别重视LOSC被谈判并被接受作为包裹交易的事实。尽管如此,ICJ的声明是第121条,LOSC的第121款是习惯规则,倾向于基于“包装交易方法”,该规则侧重于表现出“不可分割制度”段落之间的文本和逻辑联系。通过探索确定关于200海里大陆架的惯例76(2) - (7)款习惯地位的困难,该文章可能会在裸体尼加拉瓜诉哥伦比亚二案中出现。哥伦比亚二世案件,这篇文章要求对决心进行谨慎态度来自LOSC的惯例规则。



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