
Diplomatic Talks with a Balkan Dictator


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Sir Ivor Roberts, currently serving as the president of Trinity College at Oxford University, worked in the British diplomatic service for nearly 40 years, including a stint as deputy chief of the Foreign Office's Press Department and later its head of counterterrorism. He was the British ambassador to Belgrade during the Bosnian civil war and the subsequent Kosovo conflict. But his writing and story-telling skills do not match his diplomatic acumen. Roberts's wooden style makes Conversations with Milosevic read like a bureaucratic document. Although Slobodan Milosevic (widely known as the "Butcher of the Balkans") and some of his henchmen inspired and perpetrated some of the worst communal violence in Europe since World War II, Roberts turns them into cardboard characters. Milosevic comes across as merely an ordinary foreign leader using negotiations to protect and advance national interests.
机译:艾弗尔·罗伯茨爵士目前在牛津大学三一学院担任校长,在英国外交部门工作了近40年,其中包括担任外交部新闻部副主任,后来又担任反恐主管。他是波斯尼亚内战和随后的科索沃冲突期间的英国驻贝尔格莱德大使。但是他的写作和讲故事的技巧与他的外交敏锐度不符。罗伯茨(Roberts)的木制风格使与米洛舍维奇(Milosevic)的对话听起来像是一个官僚的文件。尽管斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇(Slobodan Milosevic,俗称“巴尔干屠夫”)和他的一些帮派成员启发并犯下了自第二次世界大战以来欧洲最严重的社区暴力,但罗伯茨却将其变成了硬汉。米洛舍维奇只是通过谈判来保护和促进国家利益的普通外国领导人。



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