首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information and Management Sciences >On a Batch Arrival Poisson Queue under Threshold Policy with a Grand Vacation

On a Batch Arrival Poisson Queue under Threshold Policy with a Grand Vacation


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We consider an M~x/M/1 queueing model under a threshold policy with grand vacation process, where the server takes a sequence of vacations, till he returns to find at least some prespecified number of customers (threshold) observed after each grand vacation. In this paper, an attempt has been made to derive the probability generating functions of the queue size distribution at a random point of time as well as at a departure point of time. The mean queue size of this model is also derived with some numerical examples.
机译:我们考虑在带有大假期过程的阈值策略下的M〜x / M / 1排队模型,其中服务器进行一系列假期,直到他返回以找到每个大假期之后观察到的至少一定数量的预定客户(阈值) 。在本文中,已经尝试得出在随机时间点和离开时间点的队列大小分布的概率生成函数。该模型的平均队列大小也可以通过一些数值示例得出。



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