首页> 外文期刊>International journal of industrial organization >A dynamic duopoly investment game without commitment under uncertain market expansion

A dynamic duopoly investment game without commitment under uncertain market expansion


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We model capacity-building investments in a homogeneous product duopoly facing uncertain demand growth. Capacity building is achieved through the addition of production units that are durable and lumpy and whose cost is irreversible. While building their capacity over time, firms compete a la Cournot in the product market given their installed capacity. There is no exogenous order of moves, no commitment regarding future decisions, and no finite horizon. We investigate Markov Perfect Equilibrium (MPE) paths of the investment game, which may include episodes during which firms invest at different times, a preemption pattern, and episodes in which firms invest simultaneously, a tacit collusion pattern. These episodes may alternate and are typically several. When firms have yet to invest in capacity, the sole pattern that is MPE-compatible is a preemption episode: firms invest at different times but have equal value. The first such investment may occur earlier and therefore be riskier than socially optimal. When both firms hold capacity, tacit collusion episodes may be MPE-compatible: firms invest simultaneously at a postponed time (hence holding back production in the meantime), thereby generating an investment wave in the industry. Such investment episodes are more likely with higher demand volatility, faster market growth, and lower cost of capital (discount rate).
机译:我们以面对不确定的需求增长的同类产品双寡头的能力建设投资为模型。通过增加耐用,成块且成本不可逆的生产单元来实现能力建设。在逐步建立能力的同时,公司凭借其装机容量在产品市场上竞争la Cournot。没有外在的行动顺序,没有对未来决策的承诺,也没有有限的视野。我们研究了投资博弈的马尔可夫完美均衡(MPE)路径,其中可能包括公司在不同时间进行投资的情节,先发制人模式以及公司同时进行投资的情节(默认的共谋模式)。这些情节可能会交替出现,并且通常是几个情节。当企业尚未投资于产能时,与MPE兼容的唯一模式是先发制人:企业在不同的时间进行投资但具有相等的价值。第一次这样的投资可能会更早发生,因此比社会最优风险更大。当两家公司都拥有产能时,默认的串通事件可能与MPE兼容:公司在推迟的时间同时进行投资(因此会同时抑制生产),从而在行业中引发投资浪潮。更高的需求波动,更快的市场增长和更低的资本成本(贴现率)更可能导致这种投资事件。



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