首页> 外文期刊>The international journal of engineering education >Long-term Innovative Problem Solving Skills:Redefining Problem Solving*

Long-term Innovative Problem Solving Skills:Redefining Problem Solving*


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Computer technologies are widely used to facilitate teaching of creative problem solving and to help engineers in their day-to-day work. To ensure effective utilisation in engineering practice, it is imperative to better understand the problem solving process itself. This research used an exploratory approach (Grounded Theory) to understand the complexities of engineering problem solving. Interview data from 22 engineers ranging from novice to experts, including 15 male and 7 female engineers were discussed. The participants believed that problem identification is the most crucial stage in good problem solving. 'Options' were identified as deterrents to long-term development of problem solving ability. It was established that it is necessary to boost self-efficacy of young engineers and make them willing to face challenges despite 'options'. Participants also suggested that conscious understanding and awareness of their own problem solving strategy is vital to the development of their problem solving skills. Findings from this paper provide new insights on how engineers develop their problem solving skills and can be used to improve existing theories on problem solving. These findings have implications on general educational strategy, as well as the development and implementation of computer technology for engineering problem solving.
机译:计算机技术被广泛用于促进创造性问题解决方法的教学,并帮助工程师进行日常工作。为了确保在工程实践中得到有效利用,必须更好地理解问题解决过程本身。这项研究使用探索性方法(基础理论)来了解解决工程问题的复杂性。讨论了从新手到专家的22位工程师的访谈数据,其中包括15位男性和7位女性工程师。参与者认为,问题识别是解决问题的最关键阶段。 “选择”被认为是阻碍问题解决能力长期发展的障碍。已经确定有必要提高年轻工程师的自我效能,使他们愿意面对挑战,尽管有“选择”。参与者还建议,有意识地理解和认识自己的问题解决策略对于他们解决问题技能的发展至关重要。本文的发现提供了有关工程师如何发展其解决问题能力的新见解,并可用于改进现有的解决问题理论。这些发现对一般的教育策略以及解决工程问题的计算机技术的开发和实施都具有影响。



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