首页> 外文期刊>International journal of electronic governance >Making Democracy Fun How Game Design Can Empower Citizens and Transform Politics

Making Democracy Fun How Game Design Can Empower Citizens and Transform Politics


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Anyone who has ever been to a public hearing or community meeting would agree that participatory democracy can be boring. Hours of repetitive presentations, alternating alarmist or complacent, for or against, accompanied by constant heckling, often with no clear outcome or decisions. Is this the best democracy can offer? In Making Democracy Fun, Josh Lerner offers a novel solution for the sad state of our deliberative democracy: the power of good game design. What if public meetings featured competition and collaboration (such as team challenges), clear rules (presented and modelled in multiple ways), measurable progress (such as scores and levels), and engaging sounds and visuals? These game mechanics would make meetings more effective and more enjoyable - even fun.
机译:曾经参加过公开听证会或社区会议的任何人都同意参与式民主可能很无聊。数小时的反复陈述,交替出现的危言耸听或自满,赞成或反对,伴随着不断的嘲弄,往往没有明确的结果或决定。这是最好的民主制度可以提供的吗?乔什·勒纳(Josh Lerner)在《使民主变得有趣》中,为我们协商民主的悲惨境况提供了一种新颖的解决方案:优质游戏设计的力量。如果公开会议的特色是竞争与协作(例如团队挑战),明确的规则(以多种方式呈现和建模),可衡量的进度(例如得分和水平)以及引人入胜的声音和视觉效果,那该怎么办?这些游戏机制将使会议更有效,更有趣,甚至更有趣。



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