首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Educational Management >Explicating metatheory for mixed methods research in educational leadership: An application of Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action

Explicating metatheory for mixed methods research in educational leadership: An application of Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action


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Purpose - Mixed methods research can provide a fruitful line of inquiry for educational leadership, program evaluation, and policy analysis; however, mixed methods research requires a metatheory that allows for mixing what have traditionally been considered incompatible qualitative and quantitative inquiry. The purpose of this paper is to apply Jiirgen Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action as that metatheoretical justification. Design/methodology/approach - After reviewing the traditional quantitative/qualitative divide based on incompatible ontologies, the author argues for a pragmatist stance toward educational leadership inquiry. Such a stance allows for mixing methods because it privileges methodology and epistemology in social inquiry, rather than ontological theories of reality. Using Habermas's metatheory, the author shows how truth claims are linguistically mediated; how they make reference to objective, subjective, and normative formal worlds; and how they are always fallible and revisable. Findings - The author argues that Habermas's metatheory allows (and requires) integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches to fully understand social phenomena. Such integration is possible if researchers attempt to make methodological decisions explicit by linking methodology (and thus methodical decisions) to all three formal worlds, and articulating the rationale for doing so. The author also argues that making the entire corpus of claims bound within a line of social inquiry subject to critical examination promotes the validity of inquiry. Originality/value - This paper contributes to the discussion on mixed methods research by applying a particular strand of pragmatism. This is an advance in the extant literature, which argues for a pragmatist stance on mixed methods research, but has not yet conceptualized a metatheoretical position supporting this stance.
机译:目的-混合方法研究可以为教育领导,课程评估和政策分析提供富有成效的探究路线;但是,混合方法研究需要一个元理论,该理论可以将传统上被认为不相容的定性和定量查询进行混合。本文的目的是将吉尔根·哈贝马斯(Jirgen Habermas)的“交往行为理论”作为元理论论证。设计/方法论/方法-在回顾了基于不相容本体论的传统的定量/定性鸿沟之后,作者提出了对教育领导者探究的实用主义立场。这种立场允许混合方法,因为它优先考虑社会探究中的方法论和认识论,而不是现实的本体论。使用哈贝马斯的元理论,作者展示了真理主张是如何在语言上进行调解的。他们如何参考客观,主观和规范的形式世界;以及它们如何总是容易出错和可修改的。调查结果-作者认为哈贝马斯的元理论允许(并要求)定性和定量方法相结合,以充分理解社会现象。如果研究人员试图通过将方法论(进而是方法论的决定)与所有三个形式世界联系起来,并阐明这样做的基本原理,从而做出明确的方法论决定,则这种整合是可能的。作者还辩称,使整个索偿语料库约束在一个社会探究线之内,接受严格的审查会提高探究的有效性。原创性/价值-本文通过运用特定的实用主义,为讨论混合方法研究做出了贡献。这是现有文献的进步,该文献主张在混合方法研究上采取实用主义立场,但尚未概念化支持这种立场的元理论立场。



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