首页> 外文期刊>International journal of distance education technologies >A System for English Vocabulary Acquisition based on Code-Switching

A System for English Vocabulary Acquisition based on Code-Switching


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Vocabulary plays an important part in second language learning and there are many existing techniques to facilitate word acquisition. One of these methods is code-switching, or mixing the vocabulary of two languages in one sentence. In this paper the authors propose an experimental system for computer-assisted English vocabulary learning in context using a code-switching based approach for Japanese learners. First they introduce the CO-MIX system, an English vocabulary teaching system that uses code-switching for vocabulary acquisition. Next, they show how they utilize incidental learning techniques with graded readers to increase language proficiency. The authors present the system architecture, underlying technologies, and evaluate the system's performance through user interaction with both a baseline and the proposed system by using a semantic differential scale. They also perform separate factor analysis of participants' attitudes for both systems, an analysis of users' mistakes and compare users' language tests scores. Finally, the authors discuss the evaluation results and further development of this technology.



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