首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering >Knowledge discovery for the linguistic atlas of sicily project

Knowledge discovery for the linguistic atlas of sicily project


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The identification of new useful patterns in data is a core process for intelligent systems. In this work a knowledge discovery methodology to retrieve useful and novel information from data stored in a DBMS is presented. This methodology has been designed to be used in the ALS (Linguistic Atlas of Sicily) Project. The theoretical part of the ALS methodology has been developed jointly from researchers at the Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Linguistiche of the University of Palermo. The main purposes of the project are to track and to study the geo-linguistic and lexicographic processes about the function and usage of the Sicilian dialect.rnThe whole framework is based on the integration of several modules responding to different purposes. The knowledge discovery modules uses an on ontology-based methodology for the creation, retrieval, manipulation and browsing of information. The on-going collaboration process is a perfect example of a domain hybridizing process, enabling the training on-the-field of a group of researchers who participate to the constitution of the a local humanities computing community.rnThis work presents the process of knowledge discovery. Starting from conceptualization of few basic ideas, concepts have been extracted from the system's DBMS through an XML-based mapping and have been used as building blocks for further investigations. The results are incrementally and automatically proposed to researchers, who may determine to use them as new knowledge for further utilizations or can discard them.
机译:数据中新的有用模式的识别是智能系统的核心过程。在这项工作中,提出了一种知识发现方法,可以从存储在DBMS中的数据中检索有用的新颖信息。设计了该方法以用于ALS(西西里语言地图集)项目。 ALS方法的理论部分是由巴勒莫大学科学语言学系的研究人员联合开发的。该项目的主要目的是跟踪和研究有关西西里方言的功能和用法的地理语言和词典处理过程。整个框架基于对不同目的的几个模块的集成。知识发现模块使用基于本体的方法来创建,检索,操纵和浏览信息。正在进行的协作过程是领域混合过程的完美示例,它使一组参加本地人文计算社区组成的研究人员可以在现场进行培训。这项工作提出了知识发现的过程。 。从一些基本思想的概念化开始,概念已通过基于XML的映射从系统的DBMS中提取出来,并已用作进一步研究的基础。结果将被自动递增地提供给研究人员,研究人员可以确定将其用作新知识以进一步利用,也可以将其丢弃。



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