首页> 外文期刊>International journal of computer games technology >Development of a Gesture-Based Game Applying Participatory Design to Reflect Values of Manual Wheelchair Users

Development of a Gesture-Based Game Applying Participatory Design to Reflect Values of Manual Wheelchair Users


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Wheelchair users have been benefited from Natural User Interface (NUI) games because gesture-based applications can help motor disabled people. Previous work showed that considering values and the social context of these users improve game enjoyment. However, the literature lacks on studies that address games as a tool to approach personal values of people with physical disabilities. Participatory design encompasses techniques that allow absorbing and reflecting values of users into technologies. We developed a gesture-based game using participatory design addressing values of wheelchair users. To manage the development of our game, we permitted creativity and flexibility to the designers. Our design is aligned to the Game SCRUM and make use of concepts from the Creative Process. The products of each stage of the design that we applied are both a gesture-based game and its evaluation. We tested the enjoyment (immersion, difficult while playing, etc.) of users for the game that we developed thought game-based quantitative and qualitative analyses. Our results indicate that the game was able to provide a satisfactory entertaining experience to the users.
机译:轮椅用户已经从自然用户界面(NUI)游戏中受益,因为基于手势的应用程序可以帮助行动不便的人。先前的工作表明,考虑这些用户的价值观和社交环境可以改善游戏的趣味性。但是,文献中缺乏将游戏作为解决身体残障人士的个人价值观的工具的研究。参与式设计包含允许将用户的价值吸收并反映到技术中的技术。我们使用参与式设计开发了一款基于手势的游戏,旨在解决轮椅使用者的价值观。为了管理游戏的发展,我们允许设计师发挥创造力和灵活性。我们的设计与Game SCRUM保持一致,并利用了Creative Process中的概念。我们应用的设计的每个阶段的产品都是基于手势的游戏及其评估。我们开发了基于思维游戏的定量和定性分析,从而测试了用户对游戏的娱乐性(沉浸感,玩耍时的苦恼等)。我们的结果表明,该游戏能够为用户提供令人满意的娱乐体验。



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