首页> 外文期刊>International journal of art, culture and design technologies >A Comparative Study of Certain Classifiers for Bharatanatyam Mudra Images' Classification using Hu-Moments

A Comparative Study of Certain Classifiers for Bharatanatyam Mudra Images' Classification using Hu-Moments


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India is rich in culture and heritage where various traditional dances are practiced. Bharatanatyam is an Indian classical dance, which is composed of various body postures and hand gestures. This ancient art of dance has to be studied under guidance of dance teachers. In present days there is a scarcity of Bharatanatyam dance teachers. There is a need to adopt technology to popularize this dance form. This article presents a 3-stage methodology for the classification of Bharatanatyam mudras. In the first stage, acquired images of Bharatanatyam mudras are preprocessed to obtain contours of mudras using canny edge detector. In the second stage, Hu-moments are extracted as features. In the third stage, rule-based classifiers, artificial neural networks, and k-nearest neighbor classifiers are used for the classification of unknown mudras. The comparative study of classification accuracies of classifiers is provided at the end. The work finds application in e-learning of 'Bharatanatyam' dance in particular and dances in general and automation of commentary during concerts.
机译:印度富有文化和遗产,在那里实行各种传统舞蹈。 Bharatanatyam是印度古典舞蹈,由各种身体姿势和手势组成。这种古老的舞蹈艺术必须在舞蹈教师的指导下进行研究。在目前的日子里,Bharatanatyam舞蹈教师稀缺。有必要采用技术普及这种舞蹈形式。本文为Bharatanatyam Mudras的分类提供了3阶段的方法。在第一阶段,预处理的Bharatanatyam Mudras的图像是使用罐头边缘检测器获得Mudras的轮廓。在第二阶段,HU-MOCENTS作为特征提取。在第三阶段,基于规则的分类器,人工神经网络和k最近邻分类器用于未知mudras的分类。最后提供了分类机分类准确性的比较研究。这项工作尤其在电子学习中申请了“Bharatanatyam”舞蹈的舞蹈,并在一般的舞蹈和协调期间的评论自动化。



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