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Flow Measurement Specialists to Supply Sewer Network Monitoring, Maintenance and Flood Prevention in Athens


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Detectronic (UK) is working in partnership with its Greek agent, Metrica, to supply sewer monitoring and maintenance in support of flood prevention in the country's capital, Athens, for the Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP SA). EYDAP SA invited Metrica and a number of other suppliers to look at long term monitoring and maintenance of the city's trunk sewers with a view to appointing a suitable delivery partner. Following initial trials of Detectronic monitoring equipment and a formal tender process, Metrica won the contract. Explains Dave Walker, commercial director for Detectronic: "This is a particularly complex and challenging project for us and our colleagues at Metrica. First of all, the pipes in the existing sewer network vary from 1000mm to 3500mm in diameter, with invert levels (depth from ground-level to the bottom of the pipe) of up to 9000mm.
机译:Detectronic(UK)与希腊代理商Metrica合作,为雅典供水和排污公司(EYDAP SA)提供下水道监测和维护,以支持该国首都雅典的防洪。 EYDAP SA邀请Metrica和许多其他供应商研究对城市干渠的长期监控和维护,以期指定合适的交付合作伙伴。经过对Detectronic监控设备的初步试验和正式的招标程序,Metrica赢得了合同。解释Detectronic商业总监Dave Walker:“对于我们和我们的Metrica同事来说,这是一个特别复杂且具有挑战性的项目。首先,现有下水道网络中的管道直径从1000mm到3500mm不等,倒置高度(从地面到管道的底部)最大9000mm。



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