首页> 外文期刊>International environmental technology >Nanoparticle Measurement Expertise Aids Development of Water Pollution Tests

Nanoparticle Measurement Expertise Aids Development of Water Pollution Tests


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LGC (UK) scientists have contributed to a European project to investigate the feasibility of developing water test materials to help measure toxic water pollutants at nanogram-per litre levels. These materials will be useful to the European-wide battle to improve the world's water supplies. As part of a project with other European National Measurement Institutes, three test materials have been successfully developed for the measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and tributyltin (TBT), which have all been identified as a critical pollutant under the EU Water Framework Directive,(WFD) - an EU law introduced to target water pollution. Under the WFD, all member states must improve the condition of their water supplies, drastically reducing the levels of major pollutants by 2015. Targets were introduced on 22 December 2000, with the aim of protecting, enhancing and restoring the condition of all water in the natural environment.



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