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A stunning, interactive 'Pollution Pavilion' has landed in Covent Garden's iconic Piazza to spark a national conversation about air pollution. It's the work of environmental charity Hubbub and Grosvenor Britain & Ireland, which are urging people to help make this pressing issue a political priority wherever they live. Research released today by Hubbub finds 80% of Britons are worried that the UK limits for air pollution don't match WHO guidelines. The survey also found that 83% of people are worried about how air pollution could affect them or their families - this rises to 89% for parents with primary school-aged children and 92% for those with under-fives. The unique installation, designed in collaboration with artists Climate and Cities and King's College London, displays huge balloons that change colour reflecting annual Nitrogen Dioxide (NO_2) data drawn from 5 London Air Quality Network stations across London to help visitors visualise air pollution levels. Nitrogen Dioxide comes mainly from road transport and has been linked to asthma prevalence, adverse birth outcomes, cancer and reduced life expectancy.
机译:一个令人惊叹的互动式“污染亭”降落在考文特花园的标志性广场上,引发了一场关于空气污染的全国对话。这是环保慈善组织Hubbub和Grosvenor British&Ireland的工作,它们敦促人们帮助将这个紧迫的问题作为他们生活中任何地方的政治优先事项。 Hubbub今天发布的研究发现,有80%的英国人担心英国的空气污染限值与WHO准则不符。调查还发现,有83%的人担心空气污染会如何影响他们或他们的家庭-小学年龄的父母的这一比例上升到89%,五岁以下的父母的这一比例上升到92%。这套独特的装置是与艺术家Climate and Cities和伦敦国王学院合作设计的,展示了巨大的气球,这些气球的颜色发生了变化,反映了从伦敦的5个伦敦空气质量网络站采集的年度二氧化氮(NO_2)数据,从而帮助游客直观地看到空气污染水平。一氧化二氮主要来自公路运输,与哮喘患病率,不良的出生结局,癌症和预期寿命缩短有关。



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