首页> 外文期刊>International environment reporter >Environmentalists Claim TransCanada Uses 'Dirty Tricks' in PR Battle Over Oil Sands

Environmentalists Claim TransCanada Uses 'Dirty Tricks' in PR Battle Over Oil Sands


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Canadian environmental groups have accused TransCanada Corp. of using questionable tactics in seeking public and regulatory support for its proposal to pipe more than a million barrels of oil per day nearly 3,000 miles from the Alberta oil sands to the country's Atlantic Coast. But the company said it is only ensuring a fair hearing for its Energy East plan. TransCanada's public relations campaign, developed by PR firm Edelman to address the company's concerns about growing opposition to its C$12 billion ($10.6 billion) Energy East proposal, amounts to "dirty tricks," said Keith Stewart, climate and energy campaign coordinator for Greenpeace. Citing documents leaked to Greenpeace, Stewart alleged the TransCanada-Edelman PR strategy includes forming fake public interest groups to create the appearance of greater public support for the project and developing tactics to discredit groups that oppose Energy East. "These documents show that TransCanada is planning a secret dirty-tricks campaign, using third parties to attack and smear its critics," Stewart said in a statement Nov. 18.
机译:加拿大的环保组织指责TransCanada Corp.利用其可疑策略寻求公众和监管支持,因为该公司每天要从艾伯塔省油砂近3,000英里处向该国大西洋海岸输送超过100万桶石油。但该公司表示,仅能确保对其“能源东部”计划进行公正的听证。绿色和平组织气候与能源运动协调员凯斯·斯图尔特(Keith Stewart)表示,由公关公司爱德曼(Edelman)开发的TransCanada公共关系运动,是为了解决该公司对其120亿加元(合106亿美元)的“能源东部”提议日益反对的担忧。斯图尔特援引文件泄露给绿色和平组织,称TransCanada-Edelman的公关策略包括组建虚假的公共利益团体,以增加公众对该项目的支持,并制定策略以抹黑反对能源东部的团体。斯图尔特在11月18日的一份声明中说:“这些文件表明,TransCanada正在计划进行一次秘密的肮脏技巧运动,利用第三方来攻击和涂抹批评者。”



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