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Canada's LNG Industiy Said to Face Tough Competition From U.S., Russia


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Western Canada's nascent liquefied natural gas industry faces competition from established competitors in Australia, the U.S., Qatar, Russia and east African nations such as Mozambique and Tanzania, industry leaders said at the International Liquefied Natural Gas in British Columbia Conference in Vancouver. Canada has more than a dozen proposed West Coast liquefaction plants or gas pipelines in various stages of the approval process; nine have received export permit licenses from the National Energy Board (37 INER 657, 5/7/14). But Greg Pardy, co-head of global energy research for the Royal Bank of Canada, said Australia "is leading the charge right now" with seven greenfield LNG projects under way. By 2018, Australia is expected to surpass Qatar as the world's leading LNG producer, he said.
机译:在温哥华举行的不列颠哥伦比亚省国际液化天然气会议上,行业领导人表示,加拿大西部新兴的液化天然气行业面临来自澳大利亚,美国,卡塔尔,俄罗斯以及莫桑比克和坦桑尼亚等东非国家的知名竞争对手的竞争。在批准过程的各个阶段,加拿大有十多个拟议的西海岸液化厂或天然气管道;已有9家公司获得了美国国家能源委员会(National Energy Board)的出口许可证许可(37 INER 657,5 / 7/14)。但是加拿大皇家银行全球能源研究联席主管格雷格·帕迪(Greg Pardy)表示,澳大利亚“目前正在引领收费”,目前正在进行七个新的液化天然气项目。他说,到2018年,澳大利亚有望超过卡塔尔,成为世界领先的液化天然气生产国。



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