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ISP: internet service provider or internet secret police?


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Mark Weston of Matthew Arnold & Baldwin LLP looks at ISPs power under the DEA Nowadays, unless you live on Mars (and probably even there!) we all connect to the internet. And we all do so via internet service providers (ISPs). What power do ISPs have to restrict or cut off our access to the ever more important digital space? What power should they have? What powers do they want? The answers might surprise anyone who has not been following the continuing debate going on at a national and European level. Two recent developments have spurred that debate onwards; specifically about the role that ISPs should take with respect to responsibility for infringement of copyright on their networks. The Digital Economy Act 2010 (the Act) was passed by the outgoing Labour government, who wanted it on the statute books before the general election. Three specific provisions caused huge controversy, the first two being subject to further scrutiny from parliament: Mark Weston is a partner at Matthew Arnold and Baldwin LLP (www.mablaw.com) where he heads the commercial/IP/IT team. Mark's practice focuses primarily on non-contentious matters in all areas of commercial law, information technology law, intellectual property law and Internet and online commerce law.
机译:Matthew Arnold&Baldwin LLP的Mark Weston着眼于DEA如今的ISP力量,除非您生活在火星上(甚至可能在那里!),否则我们都已连接到互联网。而且我们都是通过互联网服务提供商(ISP)来这样做的。 ISP有什么力量来限制或切断我们对越来越重要的数字空间的访问?他们应该拥有什么力量?他们想要什么权力?答案可能会让没有跟随国家和欧洲层面持续辩论的任何人感到惊讶。最近的两个发展推动了这场辩论。特别是关于ISP在其网络上的版权侵权责任方面应扮演的角色。即将卸任的工党政府通过了《 2010年数字经济法案》,该法案希望在大选之前将其纳入法规。三项具体规定引起了巨大争议,前两项受到议会的进一步审查:马克·韦斯顿(Mark Weston)是马修·阿诺德(Matthew Arnold)和鲍德温律师事务所(Baldwin LLP)(www.mablaw.com)的合伙人,负责商业/ IP / IT团队。马克的执业重点主要集中在商法,信息技术法,知识产权法以及互联网和在线商法的所有领域中的无争议事务。



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