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Insurance pricing with complete information, state-dependent utility, and production costs


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We consider a group of identical risk-neutral insurers selling single-period indemnity insurance policies. The insurance market consists of individuals with common state-dependent utility function who are identical except for their known accident probability q. Insurers incur production costs (commonly called expenses or transaction costs by actuaries) that are proportional to the amount of insurance purchased and to the premium charged. By introducing the concept of insurance desirability, we prove that the existence of insurer expenses generates a pair of constants q~(min) and q~(max) that naturally partitions the applicant pool into three mutually exclusive and exhaustive groups of individuals: those individuals with accident probability q ∈|0, q~(min)) are insurable but do not desire insurance, those individuals with accident probability q ∈|q~(min), q~(max)| are insurable and desire insurance, and those individuals with accident probability q ∈ (q~(max),1| desire insurance but are uninsurable. We also prove that, depending on the level of q and the marginal rate of substitution between states, it may be optimal for individuals to buy complete (full) insurance, partial insurance, or no insurance at all. Finally, we prove that when q is known in monopolistic markets (i.e., markets with a single insurer), applicants may be induced to "over insure" whenever partial insurance is bought.
机译:我们考虑了一组相同的风险中性保险公司,它们在销售单期赔偿保险单。保险市场由具有共同的依赖于国家的效用函数的个人组成,这些个人除了已知的事故概率q外,都是相同的。保险公司产生的生产成本(通常称为精算师的费用或交易成本)与购买的保险金额和收取的保费成正比。通过引入保险可取性的概念,我们证明了保险人费用的存在会产生一对常数q〜(min)和q〜(max),这些常数将申请人池自然地划分为三个相互排斥且穷举的个人群体:这些个人事故概率为q∈| 0,q〜(min))是可保的,但不希望有保险,那些事故概率为q∈| q〜(min),q〜(max)|的个体是可保险的和有欲望的保险,而那些具有事故概率q∈(q〜(max),1 |的人却是不可保险的。我们还证明,根据q的水平和国家之间的边际替代率,也许是个人购买完整(全部)保险,部分保险或根本没有保险的最佳选择。最后,我们证明,当q在垄断市场(即具有单个保险人的市场)中已知时,申请人可能会被诱使“购买部分保险时,“保险过度”。



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