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Feeding the Celtic Tiger


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When French restaurateur Patrick Guilbaud arrived in Dublin in 1981, drawn by Ireland's abundant fresh fish and meat, he promptly introduced a foreign practice. From the first location of Restaurant Patrick Guilbaud on St. James's Place, just behind the Bank of Ireland, he began working directly with local farmers to get products of the quality he required. "We were the first to do this kind of thing," he explains. "In 1981, Ireland was a place where people wanted very large portions. The quality on the plate didn't matter as much as the quantity." Now, of course, the booming capital of the Celtic Tiger is a changed city, and so is its once-maligned culinary culture. Ireland has gone from being the economic basket case of Europe to one of its richest countries — and a major financial center. Likewise, Dublin's restaurants also have undergone an astounding renais- sance. What with organic ingredients, good chefs and great rooms, you may feed stupendously.
机译:当法国餐馆老板帕特里克·吉尔博德(Patrick Guilbaud)1981年受爱尔兰丰富的新鲜鱼类和肉类吸引来到都柏林时,立即采取了一种外国做法。从爱尔兰银行后面的圣詹姆士广场(St. James's Place)的帕特里克·吉尔伯特餐厅(Patrick Guilbaud)的第一个地点开始,他开始直接与当地农民合作,以获取所需质量的产品。他解释说:“我们是第一个做这种事情的人。” “ 1981年,爱尔兰是人们想要很大一部分的地方。盘子上的质量与数量无关紧要。”当然,如今,蓬勃发展的凯尔特虎之都已经改变了城市,它曾经的烹饪文化也因此改变了。爱尔兰已经从欧洲的经济篮子变成了最富有的国家之一和主要的金融中心。同样,都柏林的餐馆也经历了惊人的复兴。用有机食材,出色的厨师和宽敞的房间,您可能会吃得不可思议。



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