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TUEV Product Service slashes test report lead time to 48 h


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"Industry standard response times mean businesses often wait weeks or months for reports, which can cause costly delays in getting products to market," said TUEV director David Wilson. "We have achieved a two-day turnaround by transforming testing and reporting capabilities through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Bath University." Involving two associates from Bath University, the partnership programme has re-aligned the company's core business processes, splitting the workflow to meet the disparate needs of customers in the aerospace, defence and telecommunications markets. Majorefficiency improvements in processes and work practices mean more time is freed up for focused, uninterrupted test programmes, enabling faster throughput and shorter lead times. The company has also introduced state-of-the-art computer-based applications, which have brought test scheduling, administration and reporting to unprecedented levels of responsiveness, speed, accuracy and efficiency.
机译:TUEV主管大卫·威尔逊(David EV)表示:“行业标准的响应时间意味着企业通常要等待几周或几个月才能收到报告,这可能导致产品推向市场的延误成本很高。” “我们通过与巴斯大学的知识转移合作伙伴关系转变了测试和报告功能,从而实现了为期两天的转变。”这项合作计划涉及来自巴斯大学的两名同事,重新调整了公司的核心业务流程,拆分了工作流程,以满足航空,国防和电信市场客户的不同需求。流程和工作实践的效率大大提高,这意味着腾出更多的时间来进行有重点的,不间断的测试程序,从而实现更快的生产量和更短的交货时间。该公司还推出了基于计算机的最新应用程序,这些应用程序将测试计划,管理和报告功能提高到了前所未有的响应速度,速度,准确性和效率。



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